
Wednesday 28 March 2018

English Pt 5

Wonder work pg 158- 204   Answers Only

1) Because she don't want Aggie's face to be on the class photo because he will get bullied for it.

2) Yes agree

3)I agree because Beecher prep could be a dangerous place for Aggie to go. And also the teacher don't want Aggie to get hurt or get bullied.
4) He handle it pretty good because he keep it calm and made no fuse to be frozen.

5) Justin was nervous meeting Olivia's parents because Olivia was greeting bullied by Justen and Olivia's parents thinks that Justen is a good boy that doese all his work.

6) Because the four different family has other cutlers so if the first family member was Indian second was Mexican and the 3rd was American and the forth one was Asian.

7) Because If jack get angry he will start bulling Aggie again and Aggie's parents don't want that to happen to him again.

8) Because he will get bullied again 

9) Because its about Julian changing from a jerk to a good person
Must do's 
(Meaning and apologies letter) Meanings first and Letter last.
Dissed- speak disrespectfully or criticize
sarcastically- A ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt
Tics- A habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles,often in the face 
immaculate- Perfect,clean,tidy and neat 
monologue- A long speech with one actor 
theorems-A general proposition 
Now The Apology letter

TO: August  

Sorry for being such a bully all this year I don't know why I bulled you but I want to say lets be friend and end this bulling once and for all.

Will you be my Friend   Yes or no

From Jack    

Wednesday 21 March 2018

home Econamics

Today in home Economics we made muffins with gary,and flyinn 
Image result for muffinsour muffins turned out really yuck at the end.

  • Positive
  • helping with freinds
  • cooking with friends 
  • having fun 

  • Negertive
  • bad taste 
  • muffin pop in the middle so it made the outer shape of the muffin paper thing 
  • cleaning up

English Pt 4

Pg: 118 to 157 Must do's questions Only Answers

1) Summer's reaction to Aggie's face is ewww/ They became friends because Aggie was getting bullied a lot.
2) She was invited to savanna house because she was popular and became Aggie's friend and stood out for him.

3) Aggie's has a face issue and Summer has foster parents.

4) It means love,friendship,hope,integrity,trust compassion

5) Ohh boy and he said yes to mister tush man because he didn't want to be the guy that says no to a new student
6) Difficult because they were best of friends.
7)  it was wrong because fighting is not the best way to solve these kind of problems.
8) it changed for me because he started as a bad kid that did lots of bulling
9) they won't become friends again because it's gone viral around the school.

Can do's must do 2/ 2-meanings and 4-music
morphed-undergo or cause to undergo a gradual process of transformation.
artefacts- an object made by a human
biracial- concerning or containing members of two racial groups
sympathetic-feeling,showing, or expressing.
Illuminate- light up
phony- not real
technically- according to the facts or exact meaning is stricly

the music soundtrack is boring and it inmate the movie by its calm no voice


Thursday 15 March 2018

English Pt 3

Novel study Pg 81-117 Wonder Must do Questions Just Questions

1) Because the first and 2nd part is school holidays where he bullied a lot.
2) Learning to get use to Aggie face, Passing throw his disables, and getting use to his space suit hamlet, And getting use to having a lot of Aggie's friends over.
3) She means that August is very special and above ordinary kids. Via fells this way because August has a disability.
4) I don't agree with via and her parents that they should't treat him like he has a disability.
5) Because Via is actually her middle name and Via like being called Via and Via's real first name is Olivia. And Olivia is finding high school really hard because no one calls her Via and I different name.
6) I think the odds are 50 50 cause Via's mum had August and August has a disability.
7) She has brown hair beautiful face,lips,ears,and mouth.
8) Via is very good understanding and lots of other things that are great about her. sadly I don't know her empathise.
9) He will be treated normal or get bullied by Juliana is 50 50 is also depends how students want to treated.
Must do's I'm going to number 3-meanings and 4-art
Fashionista- a designer
celestial- belonging or related to haven
flabbergasted- surprise or greatly astonished 
sarcastic- marked by or giving irony
meticulously- a way that shows great attentions

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Home Ech

Image result for apple muffinsToday in home ech we made apple muffins  with Tana and Riley.
The outcome of our muffins was bad. It didn't cook well is was gooey in the middle. And very under cooked.
we didn't do well at all. and we all had to take 5 each.


  • Cooking with friends
  • having a good time
  • working well 
  •  The muffins wasn't cooked very well
  • Greatly under cooked 
  • very gooey in the middle
  • cleaning up our mess 

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Year 9 art

Image result for beatriz milhazes This is made by Beatriz Mi-hazes.
This is a simple painting of a flower with a little hint of colour.

Who is Beatriz Mi-hazes = She is a Brazilian artist know for the art in her culture
Born 1960. She has one sibling.
Image result for beatriz milhazes facts

Here is another peace of art. She uses bright colours and crazy designs. That's rounded up with her culture.

Sunday 4 March 2018

English wonder Can do tasks

Can do tasks must complete 2

1) Research teacher Collins syndrome
Teacher Collins syndrome is a condition that affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face. The signs and symptoms of this disorder vary greatly, ranging from almost unnoticeable to severe. Most affected individuals have underdeveloped facial bones, particularly the cheek bones, and a very small jaw and chin (micromanage). Some people with this condition are also born with an opening in the roof of the mouth called a cleft palate.

Teacher Collins syndrome affects 1 in 50,000 people in the world and one of them are Augest.
Image result for treacher collins


Research meaning 
Contagious: A disease that spreads one person to another.
exceptiona person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule.
recitala performance of a programme of music by a soloist or small group.
aversion: A strong dislike
Mortalityhe state of being subject to death.

English Pt 2

Novel study part two    Wonder work pg 41-80 Just anwsers

1) I think star wars is his passion because star wars is very catchy to look at and one the best series in the world.  1) NO

2) Those get donated to a farm every year. 2)?
3) Yes because you should be kind to every one because you might be right about a disgusting act.

4) He was mad cause his mum was being too caring about August and eyeing him down because it was August's first day of school.

5) Because not many people wanted to be August's friend because hes not normal like most the kids in his class.

6) A strong dislike or disinclination

7)  It make him feel sad because he not treated as normal students.

8) Yes

9) No because he sadly got bulled to much and he will maybe get home school or online school

Thursday 1 March 2018


9 RC English  We are doing a novel study YAYY!  The book name: Wonder 

Questions and Answers 

1) What was August's one wish that he wanted?  he wished that he could walk down the street without people seeing me and then doing that look away thing.   If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? :  I would change the little hole looking things on my face.
2) What do you think it means to be ordinary? I think have a normal life with your ups and downs and just be normal. 3) How do people react when they see Auggie's face for the first time? They look at him weirdly and look away.
4) August's dad said,"so sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter
what does this mean, Explain? He means like don't send him to school or he will get bullied
5) If you were his mum and dad would you send August to School 
-------------------- At this point I am only going to Answer..... ---------------------------------------------------
6) That August  your are all ordinary and born beautiful.  Because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings.
7) A great big smile not a fake one 
8) because Julian looks like a bully