
Monday 3 December 2018

Final Reflection

This is the last week of  building the Augment reality sandbox this Thursday THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF MAKING THE Augment reality sandbox, If we won't get this complete we will set it up peace by peace so we can see that we did some work into putting this big peace together.

Here are some photos of us working on this:

This is the final Projects:)

I chose this passion project because I love PC games and the general computer itself
and the troubleshooting bu the whole reason why I chose this passion project is because
I love playing PC games such as Fortnite, CS-GO and many many more good games.

I feel like my team put a decent amount of work towards this Augmented reality
sandbox. Kayne, Liam, Braydan, and me were the digital team and what we had to
is blogs, researching information about graphic cards and also researching the specs
of the projector that we are using.

All of us had lots of fun doing our Passion project well I don't know about my team but I really did.

I would do this again for sure but I little different because I wanted get into some programs and troubleshooting.

An alphabet story

  • Write a story about sitting in the food court of a busy shopping mall.
  • Each word must go in the structure of the alphabet. 

Ansh brought chicken deviled eggs, first got his Ice Juice keybored Lamp, Mr Newman Oprah Pulled Quail rabbit Sam, then Ugo Vulture watch, Xeno Yawned zero.