
Tuesday, 1 September 2020

DVC (rendering)

 In Dvc we getting assessed an internal we most us completed and Where for I have not completed it.

Until standard:AS91066 

What do you like about the bottle?
I like this bottle because of the different colours because it stands out to me. 
And I like the little texter on the grips and the outlines of the bottom of the bottle 
And the little shadow behind the bottle adding detail.

What do you not like about it?
One thing I would change is the shape of the bottle because it looks so much like the legendary port a fort in Fortnite.

What your thoughts? (any feedback)

Thursday, 7 May 2020

L1 Eng

Jojo Rabbit
Film study. Rewatch the movie and write about 3 scenes

At (11;09) in the film, Jojo Betzler was getting pressured to kill the rabbit but he just couldn't do it because he is not a bad character in the film. 

At (1;07:04) in the film, There were some investigators came to Jojo Betzler's safehouse to investigate in look through there house to find something that they want. and later they found the girl who was not nazi and a jew but she pretended to be a nazi and also Jojo Betzler's sister.

At (1:39:50) in the film, Jojo Betzler finally had enough and confronted his dad (Hitler) and the conversation ended up with Jojo kicking Hitler out his window ending Hitler's life. 

Jojo Rabbit / Gestapo Scene (Heil Hitler) - YouTube


Critical Literacy Matrix

  • Select different 1 question from each colour on this slide an the next to answer. There are 7 colours in total, so you will have chosen 7 questions.
  • Apply those questions to Jojo Rabbit, or a film of your choice.
  • Answer each question with a statement, give evidence from the text, and explain or justify your answer.  
  • Post our findings onto your blog. Make sure you tell your audience what text you have chosen. 

Who would be most likely to read this text and why?
Simon Schama, (A historian) would like this movie because he is specialising in Dutch history, Jewish history, and French history.

What genre does this text belong to?
Comedy-drama, war, dark-comedy

Why has the author constructed the characters this way?
Since there theme was kinda like a kid with a twisted world.
I think they choose Hitler because he is an iconic evil person and he went around killing almost every jew that his way.

Whose views are excluded or privileged in the text?
Most of the Jewish country/districts were privileged in this film

Who is missing from the text?
I think they should have added Hitler's brothers and sisters in the film

Who is real in the text?
There is no one real in this, they are just played of the real war and people from the past

How else could the text have been written?
I'm not sure they could consider a part two of Jojo rabbit growing up and how he has a problem and how defeats that problem and how he dies etc..

Sunday, 26 April 2020

English Film Aspects

Practice writing for Sexxxy paragraphs

For English, we had a practice of writing a sexxxy paragraph  
He was given a trailer of a film to watch and then write about the aspects of the film 
in a sexxxy formate 

S- statement of film 
E- Evidence from the film 
X- Explanation of the effects in relation
X-  Explanation of directors purpose 
X- Explanation of how aspects are combined
Y- Your link


The film Limitless
For instance, Neil Burger, the director of limitless used a medium close up and medium shot during all the times that the main actor has been interacting with other characters in the film.
This helped me understand what type of other character was the main character discussing. So the views can tell if the person he's discussing with is dogy or not.
This was done to help the views inform what type of another character he is interacting with. 
This worked well with the blur in the medium close up focusing on the person who’s talking and not getting distracted by what's happening in  the background 
This aspect can be compared to the film The BFG where the BFG is talking to the girl when the BFG first kidnaps the girl and they get into an argument.

The short Film Kerosene Creek NZ 
 For example, the main director of this shot film Michael Bennett
Used a medium shot for the death of the little boy in the short film Kerosene Creek NZ 
This makes the audience feel sad because it shows that the people around the coffin is all very deeply sad or is crying. 
And the background has a blur to make it focus on the main people surrounding the boy's coffin.
The purpose of this is to focus on the sad emotions that the characters were feeling at the time of the event.
Combined with the blur effect, it forces you to look in the direction where there is no blur and its just clear.
This reminds me of the show/film Mr bean because it has the same aspects and effect and it makes you focus on a lot of things.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Places in book

nottinghamshire england
Photo by wilsoanaxpe via Getty images
 Cartagena, Colombia Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 
"At one window the splendour of dawn was just beginning to illuminate the stifling, crowded room that serviced us both bedroom and laboratory, but there was enough light for him to recognize at once the authority of death. At the other window, there was a bright white light gleaming threw the glass showing me a mysterious object wrapped in a silky black cloth. I began to unwrap the object slowly, all these emotions flowing threw me thing what to expect once I find what it actually could be.

Friday, 14 February 2020

creative writing engkish

What is a simile - Its pretty much-comparing things
metaphors- When someone is using a video to explain something else.

Metaphore song 1-800-273-8255
One song that is a great metaphor song is 1-800-273-8255 made by Logic, Khalid, Alessa Cara.
The songs talk about people getting bullied for being gay and people committing suicide because of coming out.

Simile song - Money by cardi B 
lyric- Sweet like a honey bun, split like a Tommy gun
She is sweet like honey and aggressive like a Tommy gun

Language features 
find a language feature and define and give an example
Using your languages slang 
Define: Like using their countries slang
Example: Say if you just came to New Zealand and you always use to say Macdonal's but then now you say, Maccus.