
Tuesday 21 May 2019

Social studies

In social studies, we are learning about creative writing so we had a week to write about a voyage to New Zealand.

This is my story:

 Arriving in Paradise   
Spencer FATTT Johnson was a gambler and made just enough money to live an ok lifestyle. He lived on his own without his parents.  
He had no kids and no wife. He was very poor because his parents
Sadly died from TB (TUBERCULOSIS)  and his parents worked as a servant for the rich.  From his parent's sad death he decided to move to New Zealand because he thought it was going to be cheaper to live there but boy was he wrong.

After a few days, he started gambling more just to get enough money to get a steerage ticket to New Zealand. When he was gambling he came across a very rich guy who also knew how to gamble, so Spencer went up to the rich person and challenged him to a 5 dollar game and the rich man said” 5 DOLLARS!! Lets up the money to 10,000 and he said 5,000 each. Spencer was shocked by how much money he wanted to put on the line. But also Spencer did not have the money to play the game. Then Spencer said” I don’t have that kind of money sorry” The rich man replies by saying” Don’t worry I’ll just put 10,000 dollars on the line my money lets play”.

Spencer and the rich man headed off the find a table to play a life-changing game of poker.
They both sit down and the rich makes the first move placing down a 5 of diamonds. After a lot of moves has been made they were down to a few cards left, all of a sudden the rich man makes a very wrong move and Spencer gets a Royal flush, winning the 10,000 dollar game of poker. Spencer jumps out of his seat of excitement in disbelief that he just won a life-changing game of poker. He gets up quickly grabs the money and runs off buying not a steerage ticket but a luxurious cabin ticket to New Zealand for himself. On the same day, he gets home and quickly packs his bags and sprints to the boat in such excitement. He boards the boat show his ticket to the crew and the crew shows him where to sit in the cabin. He finds his seat and sits for an hours time thinking it was going be a good life in New Zealand. On the boat, he finds a note that says “NEW ZEALAND IS HELL” but Spencer did not pay attention too much because he finds New Zealand as a  Mavoulos place. The boat trip was 3 days long and Spencer was having a great time in the cabin class because it was surrounded loads of food and you also had your own beds to sleep in. The cabin class was very luxurious for Spencer because he had come up from a very poor family.

The day has gone past and its the second day, Spencer was sitting in his bed when unexpectedly a huge thump came from the walls so Spencer went to check out what/Who did it or why it happened.
Spencer walked around right outside his cabin to find a note nailed in a wall saying “We all are targeting you when you arrive at your destination”. Spencer was a little bit shocked because he had so many plans in New Zealand but then this little note had ruined his mood. On that night spencer, hardly went to bed worrying about what will occur when he reached New Zealand.

Its day 3 the day where Spencer arrives in New Zeland. There are 30 minutes until Spencer arrives at his destination. He is still worried about that note from last night, wondering to leave New Zealand on the same day he arrives. The ship is nearly at New Zealand its insight, as New Zealand is getting bigger and bigger when insight Spencer heart is beating faster and faster.

The ship has arrived, strangers from the boat rush to pack their bags and get off the ship.
Spencer is so happy that he is here but is one thing that he has forgotten about and that thing is the note that he saw last night that shooked him. Spencer has got off the boat after he takes five in New Zealand *BANG* a bullet comes out of nowhere and strikes Spencer in the head leaving him helpless on the floor…..

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