
Monday, 22 July 2019


Image result for children of blood and bone

By Tomi Adeyemi
One of the stories I have is called children of blood and bone. In one of those chapters, it says that when Zelie looks at father everything twists inside her because of fear or being scared. That main bit relates to me in real life when I was young and I would see my primary school bully who always use to bully me just to get a little bit of laugh. Every time I use to see the bully everything use to twist inside me because I was scared of being hurt or being ashamed of everyone else that looked.

Image result for dragon ball super By Toei Animation  Goku vs Jiren
This is not a story this is an Amine that I love to watch called Dragon ball super.
in Episode 131 when Goku never gives up and keeps on fighting Jiren no matter what it takes he always keeps on fighting and fighting no matter the risk. This relates to me because when I went on the project K the wilderness adventure I really wanted to give up. But I didn't I stood strong and keep on going knowing I'll meet my parents one day.

In English, we have been learning about Novel study and the Novel we have been studying is called Children of blood and bone as you see on the top of the page. We also had to write an essay about the book.

Also in term 1, we had to watch a movie called Zotopia can write an essay on that movie and all the events that occurred in that movie. we also had to finish different activity that relates to the movie.

What does Diversity mean to me?
Diversity means to me like different like finding diffrent things to do finding different people finding different activities to play or work on.

(Diversity Means Different)

Sunday, 21 July 2019

English essay

All human beings should be treated equally whether they are male, female, trans, gay, bisexual, Heterosexual, lesbian, Asexual, Demisexual, Pansexual. In the book Children blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. A memorable idea from this book is that everyone is an individual. 

In chapter 9 How Amari screams and Zelie's drags her towards the flames but Zelie can’t hear her because of the blood pounding in her ears and when she sees father’s face. This event shows us that everything twists inside Zelie when she saw fathers face, Zelie is scared when she saw fathers face. And another scene in this book is in chapter 36 when Amari tries to convince Inan to make his own choices because he was making fathers choices, copying him. In this event, we understand that Inan is copying fathers choices and not making his own choices...

Thursday, 4 July 2019


Aim: Turing a copper coin into silver and gold

1) Clean the copper coin with the wire wool
2) Add five grams of zinc powder into the water ( Now you have made the solution)
3) Now turn on the bunsen burner to boil the solution
4) Once the solutions are boiling then add the copper coin 
5) Once the copper coin turns silver lift it out the glass beaker
6) Now put the silver coin in some water to cool down
7) Take the coin out of the water and dab it dry with a tissue
8) Now take the coin using the beaker tongs and put it on the flame of the bunsen burner 
9)  flipping it occasionally

Equipment: Wire wool, Five grams of zinc powder,  beaker, Bunsen burner, gauze mat, tripod, tissue, beaker tongs. 

This experiment turned out great this is what my coin turned out like:

Fact: It's not actually silver or gold, Its a zinc and brass layering it just looks like silver and gold. 

What is an Alloy: An alloy is a metal that is combined with a mixture of two or more elements


An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, one or more of which is a metal. Alloys often have properties that are different from the metals they contain. This makes them more useful than pure metals alone. For example, alloys are often harder than the metal they contain. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. It is used to make many things such as cars, ships, bridges, and building frames. Steel is harder, stronger and more flexible than iron and doesn't corrode (rust) as quickly as iron.

Recent advances in technology have created a new range of alloys- called smart alloys. Smart alloys have unusual properties. Nitinol is an alloy of nickel and titanium and is known as a shape memory alloy. If nitinol is bent out of shape, it returns to its original shape when it is earlier heated or an electric current is passed through it.