
Friday 22 February 2019

Science Year 10

Aim:  I want to Investigate how to extract DNA from a kiwifruit

Research: Exacting DNA from a Kiwi fruit
I expect to complete the test the right way by following the instructions carefully.
And I also expect to ace this experiment.


  1. Cut the kiwifruit into cups and put it in a zip lock bag and mush it until it almost looks like pudding.
  2. Fill a cup with hot water and salt.
  3. Pour the saltwater mix into the ziplock bag and close it gently, Squeeze and move the salt water and kiwifruit mush together. Do this for 30 to 45 seconds.
  4. Add dishwashing soap into the bag and gently mix the contents. try to avoid making too much foam.
  5. Place the coffee filter in a glass cup, securing the top of the filter around the lip of the cup.
  6. Pour the mix into the filter and let it sit until all of the liquids drip down.
  7. Remove and discard the used coffee filter.
  8. tilt the glass slowly and add cold alcohol down into the cup. You want the alcohol that is 2.5-5 cm thick.
  9. The layer is set up, wait for eight minutes. You may see some bubbles and cloudy material moving around in the alcohol. This is the DNA pieces clumping together.
  10. Use the wooden stirrer to start poking the cloudy stuff in the alcohol layer. Spin the stirrer it in place to start gathering the cloudy stuff.  


  • Coffee filter
  • Funnel
  • dishwashing liquid
  • salt
  • zip lock bag
  • glass cup
  • Alcohol (Isopropyl)
  • wooden stirrer
  • toothpicks
  • measuring cylinder
  • beaker
  • 1/2 spoon

PS: The link will take you to a banana instructions guide 
but it also works with a kiwifruit

(S) Deoxyribonucleic acid is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group. 


(X) This is how my experiment ended up looking like. It was a complete success.
When pulling out the DNA is was feeling snot after you pulled it out from your nose.
I am very proud to achieve this Experiment.

What could I do better?
I could have done better is decreasing the foam because the foam distracts the DNA.

What would I've done differently?
I would get hot water differently rather boiling it because boiling the water will take much longer.

I defiantly will do this again but with another fruit such as a banana, dragon fruit, pear, grapes etc...
overall I loved doing this experiment.

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