
Monday 25 November 2019

The treaty of whaitangi

Article 1
The Maori gave up complete sovereignty to Britain.
The meant Maori came under complete control of the British government and laws.
This is going to cause gained full control of the British government and laws.

Article 2
Maori are guaranteed the 'Possession of their lands, estates, forests, fisheries and other properties
And the British crown has the pre-emptive right
this will cause conflict because of the British would buy most of the Maori land.

Article 3
Maori have the same rights as British subjects.
this causes conflict because the British wanted the Maori to be under the British


 Key differences and perspective causing conflict

Friday 22 November 2019

Social studeis

In social we have been doing essay writing for our reports and I've started late because I just came back from a great holiday but here what I produced in the remaining time I had to finish

In 1830 there were 100 to 120,000 thousand Māori and 2000  Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

Lawless Behaviour
One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behaviour of some of the British Settlers like whalers. One of the reasons they needed a treaty was the issue of being drunk, causing lots of fights, and a lot of prostitutes and diseases. All of this was giving New Zealand a really bad name and that’s why a treaty was needed

Maori Right & The Missionaries 
Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. The missionaries weren’t bad people. This is important because the missionaries could easily turned on the Maori and killed heaps of Maori people. The Missionaries were good people overall.

Musket wars 
Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. In this paragraph, I am trying to prove that musket trading was a bad idea. This was a very idea because 20,000 Maori’s were killed and they would trade large quantities of food and flax. So they would lose more than gain. This overall was a very bad idea.

Paragraph Four (The Slam Dunk)
The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence. 
One of the reasons why the declaration of independence signed is to have protection by the British because so many other countries like France, Australia would come over to New Zealand and mess with New Zealand’s Property. And New Zealand was only to trade with the British and no other countries.  And another reason was to allow British residence to live all over New Zeeland, North and south island.

Conclusion (Robust Conclusion)
In conclusion, a treaty was needed to stop all these types of conflicts and problems and to follow these rules and have huge problems. Overall we needed treaties to stop all these little or big problems.
Otherwise, we would have had a huge problem in our country in the future.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

medical science


What is osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the density and quality of bones is reduced,
Making them weak, brittle and more likely to fracture. There are no symptoms of osteoporosis
until you fracture your bone.

Symptoms: Bone fracture 

Who does it affect mainly?
Osteoporosis is most common in older woman. In the united states, osteoporosis affects one and four women 65 and older. But younger woman can also get osteoporosis.

Why does it occur?
It occurs when bones lose minerals such as calcium more quickly then the body can replace them. They become less dense, lose strength and break more easily. Most people don't actually realise they have osteoporosis until a fracture occurs.

Related image

Thursday 24 October 2019

Tsunami (Year 10, Geology).

In Science, I am learning about earth science
We are trying to make a model of a Tsunami

 The Equipment we need are:

  • big and long container 
  • Sand 
  • mud 
  • Newspaper 
  • Water
  • Little monopoly houses 

Here are our trial videos of us testing the Waves (And to test if it's the right amount of water for it to destroy the houses)


                                            What causes a Tsunami?
       A tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by sudden motion on the ocean floor.
This sudden motion could be an earthquake, underwater landslide, huge volcanic eruption

A tsunami travels across the open ocean at great speeds and builds into large deadly waves in the shallow water of a shoreline.


Last Practical


Tuesday 22 October 2019

English creative writing

How I solved the problem...

It was a Sunday morning at my work, I was working as a pizza delivery person and I would deliver pizza on my red moped. I was going out to deliver a few pizzas around the neighbourhood, I come across a red light and stop wounder to myself "There is always something happening to every single person in the world".

 I come to a stop at a second red light seeing the group of girls, And a mother and her baby walk past and then a little kid trying to run to cross but doesn't make it so he turns around to wait until it's safe to cross the road again. The light turns green again, I speed off noticing an old man sitting on the sidewalk with his walking stick and two of the same trucks driving past me. All of sudden I hear a riotous noise out of nowhere sounding like someone had crashed, Boom
I teleport back in time watching the group the girls and the mother and the kid that turned around halfway then the light turns green I speed off again wondering somethings bads about to happen.

 I pass the same old guy and then I watch the first green truck go by then I watch the second go by but then my eye catches the driver of the second truck fast asleep I quickly turn around in panic I speed up to drivers window yelling"WAKE UP,  WAKE UP ALREADY" The knockout driver lets go of the steering wheel then the big heavy truck starts to weave left to right then I try to smash the window open but it was too late. I crashed head-on going over my handlebars In mid-air, of my crash, the time slows down and I'm saying to my self "why did I try to become a hero". I felt like I was the
 biggest failure ever...

Next day I woke up in the hospital, I look right and I see my good friend Driaan beside me just steering at me, I jolt up steering right back saying "Umm I know I was dumb to interfere"... To be continued

Sunday 20 October 2019

Social studies

In social studies, we have been learning about Maori gods.
And last week we had to make a poster about a Maori god
heres mine:

Some questions to answer for fast finishers

Discuss the idea of mythology/ stories in religion?
My groups answer: To explain the unexplainable

What similarities are there between the myths and stories
to help them explain natural disasters like tornadoes, Tsunami

What is the difference between Maori beliefs and English beliefs?
They both explain how the earth was made?

Monday 23 September 2019



How do hydraulics work?
Many people have heard the term hydraulics in relations to cars or some other type of vehicle or machinery, but most people have very little idea of how hydraulics work actually work. They may have a vague concept of water being used to do something, but that's about it. Hydraulics is very interesting in how they use water to do what they do.

What are Hydraulics 
(Hydraulics can be a term used for studying liquids function, but most people think it's only used in engineering when they hear the term.)

Hydraulic systems work by using pressurized fluid to power an engine.
These hydraulics presses put pressure on a small amount of fluid in order to generate a large amount of power.

Here the basic idea of a hydraulic system: water in a contained system has pressured put on it from one side. That pressure forces it against a piston on the other side of the container. This transfers the energy into the piston, forcing it upward to lift something. Because of the pressure on the water will not let it flow backwards, the piston can never move in the opposite way.

The Science behind hydraulics
Because in the liquid in all way through it, even when you're pushing it hard at one end
or the other. Now the pressure is defined as the force acting per unit of area

Image result for hydraulics

Image result for hydraulics


Tuesday 17 September 2019

Oral presentations- Reflection

1 what was your presentations about?
It was about plastic bags

Which part was you proud of the most?
The part where I said that because of us careless human beings 

What would you change
I would Make my speech longer

Thursday 5 September 2019

Home ech

Last week in home economics we made mini pizzas
My group did not have a struggle at all from the start but there was one problem be had to preheat the ovens and put it on bake. When we actually had to put it on fan bake.

My pizza was pretty good it was a little undercooked

This is not what my pizza actually looked like
but it's similar

 Image result for mini pizzas

Thursday 29 August 2019

Social studies

In social studies, we have been studying about the stone age.

Image result for stone age art

Back in the stone age, they made art by using charcoal
or that made a rock into powder and also burned wood.

They mostly use to draw people and animals usually and not many patterns.

Stone age drawings/painting were usually found in places like Africa, Europe, Australia, and also southeast Asia.

Here this is my drawing
 On the right of my finger is my painting
Its a guy with a rock (Looks like a gun)
Raiding someone others base
so he can get some food.

Here is also a video showing all of the other videos

Home ech

Last time in Home economics we made Shushi. Vegetarian Shushi  

For sushi, we used vegetables such as Carrots, capsicum, salary, 
And we also added Mayo and wasabi 

We all started off  good we were following the right steps until my group mixed the wasabi 
And from there was the downfall of our Shushi.

The final product looked good it's just adding the wasabi was too spicy for my liking.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Class screen time

Social studies, we have been recording our times on our devices. Here are the results
Its a bit blurry- Sorry

Monday 12 August 2019


In DTE we have been trying to build and design your own program for 3 weeks but it was a way6 for the first week because I had project k and then I cam

Hot potato game

If it shakes too much it spins and most likely fall

Step One goes on the app
Step 2 Make the game

We are making the egg game what is it
Get a spoon out the ball on it if it shakes too much or has a spaz and it will say you out Image result for sphero

Suggested Ideas/Blocks

We can take a look t the hot potato game or the toss game to see any blocks that can help us indicate when the start of the game is or the end if it’s the end of the game. Some other blocks can help

I recommend playing use game on a soft surface because the game can get really intense
And if you don’t want scratches all over your sphere then DO NOT PLAY on hard/rough surfaces.

Honestly I had no idea Of what to make 

Science Baghdad battery

                                                      Baghdad Battery

The Baghdad battery or the Parthian battery is a set of three artefacts which was found together: a ceramic pot, a tube of copper, and a rod of iron. It was discovered in modern khujut, Rabu, Iraq close to the metropolis of Ctesiphon, the capital of the Parthian.

The Baghdad battery, otherwise known as the Parthian battery, was an artefact hypothesized to be an ancient version of a battery. Found in 1938 by a German archaeologist, the Baghdad Battery' could be 2,000 years old and consists of a clay jar, a copper cylinder, and an iron rod.

The inner working of the Baghdad battery
 Fill the jar with an acidic liquid, such as vinegar or fermented grape juice, and you have yourself a battery capable of generating a small current. The acidic liquid permits the flow of electrons from the copper tube to the iron rod when two metal terminals are connected. 
Image result for baghdad battery science Related image

What is the Baghdad battery actually used for?
Scientists believe that the Baghdad battery (If that is their correct function) was used to electroplate items such as putting a layer of one metal (Gold) into the surface of another (Sliver), a method still practised in Iraq today.

This battery produces about 1.5 to 2 volts. Using the lower voltage 1.5v which is the same as a common AA battery. if you take 18 Baghdad jars and connect them in series you will produce 18 volts.

Image result for common Double A battery

Image result for the science behind baghdad battery

How does grape juice form electrons?
The Movement is rapid at high temperature and it causes the electrons to be knocked off from the molecules, forming the electron-ion cloud. As the temperature increases plasma is formed.
- Beside Grape juice is high in electrolytes

What is Plasma 
Plasma is a hot ionized gas consisting of equal numbers of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

English Debates topic

    Why plastic bags should be removed from supermarkets?

Have you ever thought of your family members dying because of harmless plastic bags? 
  Well, this horrible thing is exactly happing right now in the marine life, As you read there are fish/turtles and many more sea and animals creatures sadly dying because of these plastic bags.  
The cause of this problem is because of us careless human beings are throwing these plastic bags into thin air. And who knows what it could run in to, but all that I know is the plastic bag is affecting our marine life badly and we need to do something about this big problem. Rather than using plastic bags, we could use paper bags like already do in some supermarkets like New World or we can use edible plastic bags. I think they sell edible plastic bags overseas somewhere on one of the 3 or 4 islands.
But I strongly agree that plastic should be removed from supermarkets.

Monday 22 July 2019


Image result for children of blood and bone

By Tomi Adeyemi
One of the stories I have is called children of blood and bone. In one of those chapters, it says that when Zelie looks at father everything twists inside her because of fear or being scared. That main bit relates to me in real life when I was young and I would see my primary school bully who always use to bully me just to get a little bit of laugh. Every time I use to see the bully everything use to twist inside me because I was scared of being hurt or being ashamed of everyone else that looked.

Image result for dragon ball super By Toei Animation  Goku vs Jiren
This is not a story this is an Amine that I love to watch called Dragon ball super.
in Episode 131 when Goku never gives up and keeps on fighting Jiren no matter what it takes he always keeps on fighting and fighting no matter the risk. This relates to me because when I went on the project K the wilderness adventure I really wanted to give up. But I didn't I stood strong and keep on going knowing I'll meet my parents one day.

In English, we have been learning about Novel study and the Novel we have been studying is called Children of blood and bone as you see on the top of the page. We also had to write an essay about the book.

Also in term 1, we had to watch a movie called Zotopia can write an essay on that movie and all the events that occurred in that movie. we also had to finish different activity that relates to the movie.

What does Diversity mean to me?
Diversity means to me like different like finding diffrent things to do finding different people finding different activities to play or work on.

(Diversity Means Different)

Sunday 21 July 2019

English essay

All human beings should be treated equally whether they are male, female, trans, gay, bisexual, Heterosexual, lesbian, Asexual, Demisexual, Pansexual. In the book Children blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. A memorable idea from this book is that everyone is an individual. 

In chapter 9 How Amari screams and Zelie's drags her towards the flames but Zelie can’t hear her because of the blood pounding in her ears and when she sees father’s face. This event shows us that everything twists inside Zelie when she saw fathers face, Zelie is scared when she saw fathers face. And another scene in this book is in chapter 36 when Amari tries to convince Inan to make his own choices because he was making fathers choices, copying him. In this event, we understand that Inan is copying fathers choices and not making his own choices...

Thursday 4 July 2019


Aim: Turing a copper coin into silver and gold

1) Clean the copper coin with the wire wool
2) Add five grams of zinc powder into the water ( Now you have made the solution)
3) Now turn on the bunsen burner to boil the solution
4) Once the solutions are boiling then add the copper coin 
5) Once the copper coin turns silver lift it out the glass beaker
6) Now put the silver coin in some water to cool down
7) Take the coin out of the water and dab it dry with a tissue
8) Now take the coin using the beaker tongs and put it on the flame of the bunsen burner 
9)  flipping it occasionally

Equipment: Wire wool, Five grams of zinc powder,  beaker, Bunsen burner, gauze mat, tripod, tissue, beaker tongs. 

This experiment turned out great this is what my coin turned out like:

Fact: It's not actually silver or gold, Its a zinc and brass layering it just looks like silver and gold. 

What is an Alloy: An alloy is a metal that is combined with a mixture of two or more elements


An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, one or more of which is a metal. Alloys often have properties that are different from the metals they contain. This makes them more useful than pure metals alone. For example, alloys are often harder than the metal they contain. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. It is used to make many things such as cars, ships, bridges, and building frames. Steel is harder, stronger and more flexible than iron and doesn't corrode (rust) as quickly as iron.

Recent advances in technology have created a new range of alloys- called smart alloys. Smart alloys have unusual properties. Nitinol is an alloy of nickel and titanium and is known as a shape memory alloy. If nitinol is bent out of shape, it returns to its original shape when it is earlier heated or an electric current is passed through it.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Science Testing pH

Aim: To test the pH of a range of household chemicals.

Equipment: A variety of household chemicals, spotting tile, red litmus paper, blue litmus paper,
Universal indicator solution, safety glasses.

1) Add a few drops of each chemical to a spot on your spotting tile. If a substance is solid or powdered you will need to mix it with a few drops of water before testing it.

2) Test the chemicals with litmus paper.

3) Test each chemical with a few drops of universal indicator.

Litmus Indicator
Litmus indicator solution turns red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions. Litmus also comes in a paper form. Blue litmus paper will turn red in an acidic solution and remain blue when added to an alkali solution. Litmus does not tell you how strong the solution is.

Universal Indicator
A universal indicator shows us how strongly acidic or alkaline a solution is.
The universal indicator has many different colours changes, from red for strong acids to dark purple for strong bases. In the middle, neutral PH 7 is indicated by green.


For Cabbage and Beetroot: Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.
Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.
Boil over a bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the colour to leach out of the cabbage.
Filter out the plant material to obtain a red red-purple-Bluish coloured liquid This liquid is at about PH 7. (The exact colour you get depends on the Ph of the water.) Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.
Repeat this method for the beetroot...

For the tea: Put 100ml of water into a beaker and boil turn off the bunsen burner and put three tea bags in the beaker.
Remove the tea bags when the tea is very strong
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

This is the one that I did 
For the Cranberry Juice: Pour into a beaker and leave one side.

For the turmeric: Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric in a 100ml cup of alcohol.
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

This is how my experiment worked out:

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Social studies

In social studies, we are learning about creative writing so we had a week to write about a voyage to New Zealand.

This is my story:

 Arriving in Paradise   
Spencer FATTT Johnson was a gambler and made just enough money to live an ok lifestyle. He lived on his own without his parents.  
He had no kids and no wife. He was very poor because his parents
Sadly died from TB (TUBERCULOSIS)  and his parents worked as a servant for the rich.  From his parent's sad death he decided to move to New Zealand because he thought it was going to be cheaper to live there but boy was he wrong.

After a few days, he started gambling more just to get enough money to get a steerage ticket to New Zealand. When he was gambling he came across a very rich guy who also knew how to gamble, so Spencer went up to the rich person and challenged him to a 5 dollar game and the rich man said” 5 DOLLARS!! Lets up the money to 10,000 and he said 5,000 each. Spencer was shocked by how much money he wanted to put on the line. But also Spencer did not have the money to play the game. Then Spencer said” I don’t have that kind of money sorry” The rich man replies by saying” Don’t worry I’ll just put 10,000 dollars on the line my money lets play”.

Spencer and the rich man headed off the find a table to play a life-changing game of poker.
They both sit down and the rich makes the first move placing down a 5 of diamonds. After a lot of moves has been made they were down to a few cards left, all of a sudden the rich man makes a very wrong move and Spencer gets a Royal flush, winning the 10,000 dollar game of poker. Spencer jumps out of his seat of excitement in disbelief that he just won a life-changing game of poker. He gets up quickly grabs the money and runs off buying not a steerage ticket but a luxurious cabin ticket to New Zealand for himself. On the same day, he gets home and quickly packs his bags and sprints to the boat in such excitement. He boards the boat show his ticket to the crew and the crew shows him where to sit in the cabin. He finds his seat and sits for an hours time thinking it was going be a good life in New Zealand. On the boat, he finds a note that says “NEW ZEALAND IS HELL” but Spencer did not pay attention too much because he finds New Zealand as a  Mavoulos place. The boat trip was 3 days long and Spencer was having a great time in the cabin class because it was surrounded loads of food and you also had your own beds to sleep in. The cabin class was very luxurious for Spencer because he had come up from a very poor family.

The day has gone past and its the second day, Spencer was sitting in his bed when unexpectedly a huge thump came from the walls so Spencer went to check out what/Who did it or why it happened.
Spencer walked around right outside his cabin to find a note nailed in a wall saying “We all are targeting you when you arrive at your destination”. Spencer was a little bit shocked because he had so many plans in New Zealand but then this little note had ruined his mood. On that night spencer, hardly went to bed worrying about what will occur when he reached New Zealand.

Its day 3 the day where Spencer arrives in New Zeland. There are 30 minutes until Spencer arrives at his destination. He is still worried about that note from last night, wondering to leave New Zealand on the same day he arrives. The ship is nearly at New Zealand its insight, as New Zealand is getting bigger and bigger when insight Spencer heart is beating faster and faster.

The ship has arrived, strangers from the boat rush to pack their bags and get off the ship.
Spencer is so happy that he is here but is one thing that he has forgotten about and that thing is the note that he saw last night that shooked him. Spencer has got off the boat after he takes five in New Zealand *BANG* a bullet comes out of nowhere and strikes Spencer in the head leaving him helpless on the floor…..

Tuesday 14 May 2019


For my work, I had to work out the difference between Nuclear fusion and Nuclear fission.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Health (Drugs)

Taha Tinana (Drugs)

You need to research and explain how your topic affects physical well being. You need  to include the following

Image result for weed
This is the drug that I'm going to be researching. (WEED)

How does this affect the body?

  • Red eyes
  • memory problems
  • Impaired judgment 
  • Increase dopamine release
  • Increase or decreased Depression symptoms
  • Increase or decreased anxiety
  • Trouble developing brain
  • Glaucoma relief 
  • burning mouth
  • Bronchitis
  • celebrating heartbeat 
  •  Phlegmy irritation
  • The Munchies 
And much much more it is very bad to smoke.


Wednesday 6 March 2019

Social studies

  • Slaves needed something to do in the fields
  • They were in the fields from sunrise to sunset 
  • They would sing what they call work songs to keep themselves alert and entertained, but also to call attention to one another.
These songs tell stories of how the slaves feel at that moment, some has hidden messages. 
One of the slave songs <-- The link

Explain the feelings that you get when you listen to the these songs?
The feeling that I get is mostly powerful and sadness 

What kind of information about slavery did you learn from these songs?
 That no matter how bad of a situation your are in you can always get out of it.

Do you feel songs today are similar, where they have hidden meanings or messages in their lyrics If so, What examples can you think of?
One of my example is xxxtentcion songs when you play it backwards your is hidden messages that relate to his death... 
Slave Songs: Spirituals
  • African American Spiritual, usually with a christian religious theme, were originally monophonic and a Capella 
  • The terms Negro spiritual, Black spiritual, and African- American spiritual, Jubilee, and African-American folk songs are synonymous.

Thursday 28 February 2019



What is mental and emotional Well being about?
 The implications of decreased emotional well-being are related to mental health concerns such as stress, depression, and anxiety. These in turn, contribute to physical health concerns such as digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, and general lack of energy.

What is stress?
Stress is yours body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat.

What causes stress?
Stress could be caused with so many different ways such as no finishing what your dad told you to do that could lead to stress. 

Strategies for dealing with stress 
Walking away, Counting to hundred or just don't worry about the situation theses are all my situation.

What dose depression?
A mental health disorder characteristic by being in a depressed mood or loss of interest in the stuff that you really love doing at your free time.

  •   The ability to cope with stress and catastrophe 
  • Bouncing back to normal function after trauma
  • The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties

Friday 22 February 2019

Science Year 10

Aim:  I want to Investigate how to extract DNA from a kiwifruit

Research: Exacting DNA from a Kiwi fruit
I expect to complete the test the right way by following the instructions carefully.
And I also expect to ace this experiment.


  1. Cut the kiwifruit into cups and put it in a zip lock bag and mush it until it almost looks like pudding.
  2. Fill a cup with hot water and salt.
  3. Pour the saltwater mix into the ziplock bag and close it gently, Squeeze and move the salt water and kiwifruit mush together. Do this for 30 to 45 seconds.
  4. Add dishwashing soap into the bag and gently mix the contents. try to avoid making too much foam.
  5. Place the coffee filter in a glass cup, securing the top of the filter around the lip of the cup.
  6. Pour the mix into the filter and let it sit until all of the liquids drip down.
  7. Remove and discard the used coffee filter.
  8. tilt the glass slowly and add cold alcohol down into the cup. You want the alcohol that is 2.5-5 cm thick.
  9. The layer is set up, wait for eight minutes. You may see some bubbles and cloudy material moving around in the alcohol. This is the DNA pieces clumping together.
  10. Use the wooden stirrer to start poking the cloudy stuff in the alcohol layer. Spin the stirrer it in place to start gathering the cloudy stuff.  


  • Coffee filter
  • Funnel
  • dishwashing liquid
  • salt
  • zip lock bag
  • glass cup
  • Alcohol (Isopropyl)
  • wooden stirrer
  • toothpicks
  • measuring cylinder
  • beaker
  • 1/2 spoon

PS: The link will take you to a banana instructions guide 
but it also works with a kiwifruit

(S) Deoxyribonucleic acid is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group. 


(X) This is how my experiment ended up looking like. It was a complete success.
When pulling out the DNA is was feeling snot after you pulled it out from your nose.
I am very proud to achieve this Experiment.

What could I do better?
I could have done better is decreasing the foam because the foam distracts the DNA.

What would I've done differently?
I would get hot water differently rather boiling it because boiling the water will take much longer.

I defiantly will do this again but with another fruit such as a banana, dragon fruit, pear, grapes etc...
overall I loved doing this experiment.